Selling a house can be expensive, complex and time-consuming, so it’s usually a relief to everyone involved when a deal is struck and a contract is signed. But what if the seller signs the purchase and sale agreement, then decides they want to cancel the deal? Is it legal? Are there consequences? And what are the buyer’s options if that happens? Let’s look more closely at when, and how, home sellers can back out of a contract.
Can a seller back out of a contract?
The answer to this question is not exactly straightforward, says Zachary Schorr, lead trial attorney at Los Angeles–based Schorr Law, APC, which handles real estate litigation.
“It depends on the situation,” says Schorr. “Generally, if the buyer is not performing, then the seller can cancel the contract — provided the seller has complied with the provisions in the contract regarding notice to the buyer to perform.
But what constitutes “failure to perform”? Instances could include missing a deposit or a closing deadline, for example, or not being able to secure a mortgage.
Keep in mind:
Legally, a seller’s best bet for successfully backing out of a sale is if a contingency written into the contract has not been met.
A lot depends on the details of your specific contract. Legally, a seller’s best bet for successfully backing out of a sale is if a contingency written into the contract has not been met. Home sellers can give themselves an “out” by adding contingencies to the contract that make the sale contingent upon certain conditions.
For example, a seller can make the sale contingent upon having a contract to buy another house, so they have a place to move to. If they are unable to secure a new home, the seller may then have legitimate grounds to walk away from the sale.
Despite all this, Schorr points out that home sellers backing out is “very, very common,” especially in a hot real estate market. Even when the seller doesn’t have a clear legal right to renege on a deal, it can still happen: “It’s generally a very tough case for the seller,” he says. “Typically, you would rather be on the buyer side. It’s easier for a buyer to cancel, and hard for a seller to get away without a penalty.”
Be sure to get everything in writing
All purchase offers, counteroffers and acceptances should be made in writing and signed. Typically, when the seller accepts the buying party’s signed offer or counteroffer and communicates that acceptance to the buyer, a binding agreement has been reached — in theory. But it’s not official until it’s put down on paper and signed by each party involved in the transaction.
“Until there is a contract, there is no obligation on behalf of the homeowner,” Schorr says. “An oral agreement is generally not binding. A contract to sell real property is required in writing.”
For what reasons can a seller back out of a contract?
Whether or not they can largely depends on what clauses are written into the contract. But sellers can have a variety of reasons for trying to back out. Among them:
- If a higher offer is received from another buyer.
- If a suitable replacement home has not yet been secured.
- If they experience unexpected financial losses, such as a job loss, making it financially difficult to move.
- If the property appraises for more than the buyer has offered.
6 ways a seller can back out of a contract
- If contingencies built into the contract are not met: Most real estate contracts have contingencies that give sellers cause to back out. For instance, the seller may say they will only sell their property if they can purchase a new home for themselves within 30 days. If they are unable to find a property, they can cancel the sale of their current home per the contract.
- If the buyer fails to secure funding: If the buyer can’t get a mortgage, the seller is typically not required to continue the sale. You have the right to be paid the agreed-upon price and would not be at fault for backing out if you can’t get it.
- If issues are found in the attorney review: Many contracts include an attorney review period. This time, usually just a few days, gives either party the chance to back out of the contract if their lawyer notices a problem.
- If a mutual agreement is reached: In some cases, simply asking the buyer to cancel the contract may work. If the seller doesn’t have cause, the buyer is not required to agree, but it doesn’t hurt to ask.
- If a fraudulent statement from the buyer is found: If you can prove there is a scam afoot, you may also be able to cancel a sale. For instance, if a potential buyer takes advantage of an older seller by offering a lowball price, the sale may be permitted to be canceled for cause.
- If there’s a cooling-off period: Many states require a cooling-off period of a few days (typically three business days) after any contract is signed. If this is the case in your state, either party may cancel the contract without penalty during this period. Otherwise, if the contract does not stipulate a cooling-off period, there isn’t one.
Possible consequences of backing out
Backing out of a home sale for a reason not on the list above can have costly consequences. The language of real estate contracts is typically written to protect buyers, and in some cases, a home seller who reneges on a purchase contract can be sued for breach of contract. “The buyer could sue for damages, but usually, they sue for the property,” Schorr says.
A judge could potentially order the seller to sign over the deed and complete the sale anyway. The seller may also be ordered to:
- Return the buyer’s earnest money deposit, plus interest.
- Pay back any fees the buyer paid for inspections and appraisals.
- Pay for lost equity the buyer may have realized from the home.
- Pay any other reasonable expenses the buyer incurred.
- Reimburse the listing agent for the lost commission and marketing costs.
In addition, says Schorr, the seller often has to pay the buyer’s legal fees as well as their own. “That could be a harsh penalty,” he says. However, since breach of contract is a civil matter, a seller need not worry about jail time: “There is generally no criminal liability for breaching a contract.”
What can a buyer do if the seller backs out?
A buyer who has entered into a contract with a seller who wants to back out should consult a real estate attorney. If the buyer wants to take the case to court, they may have grounds to sue the seller for breach of contract. Legal action can be expensive and time-consuming, though, and it may not result in a satisfying conclusion.
“A prudent move for the buyer would be to record a lis pendens, a document you can file to let the world know that somebody — you, the buyer — is claiming interest in a property,” Schorr says. “This makes the property not marketable” and puts a stop or hold on any transactions on the property.
As long as buyers live up to the terms of the purchase and sale agreement, they are on pretty solid ground and should have every expectation of closing on the home.
Bottom line
“Generally, a seller can’t cancel without cause,” Schorr says. “You could build in some contingency, but absent that, you had better be committed to the sale.” Reneging because you fear you underpriced the house, or you receive a better offer, or you just changed your mind, doesn’t count as “cause.”
Of course, the onus is on the buyer to hold the seller to the contract. But if they really want the property, they may well do so — and a pending lawsuit could rule out the possibility of any other transactions (like selling to someone else offering more money).
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